Rules of Engagement

These Rules of Engagement are valid for this server and will be maintained.

 General Mining

  • With the exception of the Botany Bay mining Data and the USS Discovery mining Mycelium if a Survey classed ship's cargo exceeds the protected cargo limit (goes OPC) it can be attacked at any time without any warning.
  • If a Survey classed ship is no longer extracting resources from a node it can be shot, even if there are unoccupied nodes in the system, after a 2 minute warning message to the Player occupying the node before attacking and claiming the node.
  • It is forbidden at all times to attack a Survey classed ship which is heading to a node.
  • The ECS North Star is only considered a Survey classed ship when extracting resources from a node.
  • The Amalgam is classified as combat ship and has no mining protection.

Ninja mining is forbidden at all times.

Speciality Mining / Special Ships

  • Only the Botany Bay is protected when mining Data. (UPC+ OPC, 0 nodes can still be shot after a 2 min warning)
  • Only the Ferengi D'Vor is protected when mining raw Latinum. (UPC only)
  • Only the D'Vor Feesha is protected when mining concentrated Latinum. (UPC only)
  • Only the Meridian is protected when mining Isogen. (UPC only)
  • Only the USS Discovery is protected when mining Mycelium. (UPC+ OPC, 0 nodes can still be shot after a 2 min warning)

You can attack all ships other than those listed above on each particular resource and take its place without any warning.

If a speciality mining ship is on a G3, G4 or a node that is not appropriate for the type of special mining ship, you can attack the ship and takes it's place without a warning.

Swarm Space

  • It is forbidden at all times to attack any ship in Swarm Space.

Deep Space.

  • Faction Miners, Horizon and Meridian in deep space are only protected UPC. All other survey ships have no protection at all.
  • Faction Miners, Horizon and Meridian in deep space, which are no longer extracting resources from a node, can be hit after a 2 minute warning.
  • Only 1 miner per player per system is allowed.


  • Only Alliances who are actively trying to capture a territory for themselves can attack ships in a territory takeover (eg. 1v1 or 1v1v1 or 1v1v1v1 and so on).
  • Attacks are only permitted in the 30 minutes leading up to a territory takeover until the end of that takeover window.
  • A territory owner can attack a trespasser at any time (this includes territory Armadas).
  • Only Players who have been in an Alliance for 7 days or more, are permitted to take part in a territory takeover or defense. (no exceptions)
  • Outside of a territory takeover or defense you can attack any Battleship, Explorer, Interceptor or OPC Survey classed ship without any warning.

Transwarp Space

  • It is forbidden at all times to attack any ship in a system that requires a token to enter including any ship recalling back to a station from these systems.
  • The only time attacks are permitted in a token system is in Rogue Space when a ship is no longer extracting resources from a node you must send a 15 minute warning message to the Player occupying the node before attacking and claiming the node.


  • Armadas can be "stolen" after a 2 minutes waiting time.
  • It is forbidden to attack any ship heading to an Armada or participating in an Armada.


  • PvP Events overwrite RoE. (e.g. turf wars or freesha vs freesha)

War Declaration

  • A 6 hour notice before a war begins is required.
  • War declarations needs to be put into #war-declarations on this server.
  • Armada and Transwarp can be attacked during war if it is announced in the war declaration.


  • Any alliance found to have an account which appears to use the exploit/hack (e.g more than 3K missions), will immediately be declared war on by any alliance who takes the issue with it.
  • Each alliance has the permission to deal with it as they wish, no armada and transwarp rules are required.


The ROE will be in effect from 5pm UK time on Monday 16th May 2022 and will be in place for at least 3 months.


This server website is made by some enthusiastic players that like the game. This is not an official Scopely website. Our goal is to make the server EU-181 a better universe for all players.

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24-593 Federation Drive, San Francisco, CA